super easy

By roasting in individual buttered gratins, we’ll serve perfectly cooked eggs for eight people, ready all at once. Good luck trying that with over-easy. Unless you have a giant f

super easy

Here’s a solution to a problem you never knew you had.  You buy the “Everything” bagel, but in the shop/cutting board/toaster/plate transition, it’s become more of a “So

super easy

We love us some crispy bacon.  Which takes forever in batches in a pan on the stovetop, snapping and splashing grease all the while.  Here’s a better way: Oven to 375º, lay ou

super easy

Fresh cut berries on your parfait? Ok.  OR you could soak them in booze…  Your call, but I know which way I’m leaning… Toss some mixed fresh berries – here: blueberries,

super easy

Brandade — a brunch love labor.  Patience rewarded.  Salt cod soaked in three changes of water, lightly poached until gently flaked.  Yukons cooked way soft. Cream, long simme

super easy

A few good ingredients and some personal restraint.  Leave it alone! Put in on the table! Softened butter whipped with fig jam.  Good brioche, lightly toasted.  A few berries a

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