super easy
Bombastic Balsamic Berries
Yes, more alliteration this week. Also been doing a lot of meat lately, so let’s turn to a light, tasty and fairly healthy dessert. But balsamic vinegar? It’s not just fo
Week of Fail: Mango Flop-sicle and Fitness Debacle
MANGO FLOPS: Well, fail happens. A double-helping this week at GHT. Let’s start with the food, then move to the fitness. A well-intentioned effort at mango popsicles.
super easy
Molten Lemon Cake
Can’t stand baking. What with the exact measuring/timing and all. And then there’s all the stuff – measuring spoons, cups, little boxes of powder, cannisters of things. �
super easy
Superthin Superbowl Snaps
These thin ginger snaps are such a pain in the a*# to make. So we only do them on Superbowl Sunday, maybe once more around the holidays. Baking isn’t any fun, but if you can
super easy
Chocolate Fondue Party
Always a hit, tough to botch = party favorite. The Goods: 3 chocolate bars – I use two dark bittersweet and one milk 1/2 c (or more) heavy cream, warmed Orange zest Splash of Gra
super easy
Baby Butterscotch Bombs
Baby for small. Bombs for rich rich rich. And a little salty too… A study in earth tones, a fantastic monochromatic: First, the butterscotch pudding – I used this reci
super easy
Free-Form Fall Apple Tart
Lazy man apple pie? Maybe. Tasty slice of fall flavor? Oh yes indeed: Peel and slice about 6 different apples, mixed. Here I used Crispin, McIntosh and Empire. Toss with
super easy
Fresh Berry Hand Pies
These were fun – puff pastry filled with mixed fresh berries. Oven to 400º Toss fresh blueberries, raspberries and quartered strawberries with a squirt of lemon juice, a touc
super easy
Big Apple Tartlet
A little treat from leftover home-made apple sauce and an extra pie crust…. Three apples – all different kinds, which makes the texture interesting. Peeled, chopped. Onto t
super easy
Hey Brûlée
Here’s a dessert classic for your holiday week… 7 egg yolks, mixed with 2/3 C sugar, whipped up until lightened — “blanchir” 3 C heavy cream 1 C whole milk Scrape in 1 va