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Flavor Fail: Beef Stroga-not
It’s not all roses and daisies here at GHT. We have high expectations and need to bring it. And once in a while, it happens. The plan executed, the food lookin’ nice, the
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Dear Splenda: A (Shameful) Love Note
Dear Splenda: I remember the day we met. The Starbucks a few blocks north of Wall. A toiling BigLaw 3rd year. The days, nights, weekends all running together. Conference room
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Garnish Fail Haiku
crunchy sugar crust spoons poised to tap and crackle white top fail butts in Not sure what I was thinking here, really. Just cutting off the tops would have saved t
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Disappointing Donut Debacle
Lard. Maybe it was the lard I couldn’t find. Or the recipe from 1971, perhaps mis-transcribed. The memory isn’t incorrect, of this I’m sure. Those donuts were so good
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Red Lobster Biscuit Fail
Dear Internet: My Red Lobster copycat biscuits? Terrible. Been a while since I’ve frequented Red Lobster. Only really remember the biscuits. I was thinking about those bisc
Week of Fail: Mango Flop-sicle and Fitness Debacle
MANGO FLOPS: Well, fail happens. A double-helping this week at GHT. Let’s start with the food, then move to the fitness. A well-intentioned effort at mango popsicles.