super easy

Fresh summer corn, grilled.  Cilantro, salty cheese crumbles, red onion, hot chili powder.  Juicy lime slice.  Get it?   A fun funky dish, tastes like a Sublime or Mighty Might

super easy

That got your attention, didn’t it.  Usually don’t hear “sexy” in the same sentence as “coleslaw”, do ya.  What makes this slaw different (if not actually full-on sex

super easy

Busy few weeks here, blog camp, the 40/40 thing, weekend with family in The ATL, action at the office. All great stuff, but looking forward to a weekend at home and a nice big fa

super easy

Caught up with an old friend this week who’s recovering from Biglaw down in D.C.   He passed along this little riff — and I love me some roasted veggies: The Goods: Broccoli,

super easy

Enough with winter already, I mean really.  Does it need to be so cold for so long, I’m done with it.  Let’s take a deep breath and warm things up with a slow and low French

super easy

So here’s two giant bunches of kale in a pan.  Over thinly sliced garlic bathed in a nice pour of warmed olive oil. And then there’s a disappearing act… What?? No way, that

super easy

Baby red potatoes, simmered tender.  Smashed flat.  Salted.  Drizzled with olive oil and crisped up. Simmer small red potatoes until tender, drain and let cool a bit.  Onto coo

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