Apartment “BBQ” Ribs

super easy

The condo board frowns on wood smokers, grills and pretty much anything that’s on fire.  And frying a turkey is definitely out.  In the burbs you can burn down your own house, but in the city you’ll end up burning down other people’s places too — like 250 other people.  BUT!  You can still get some nice ribs going on …

This is a riff on Alton Brown’s recipe that you can find here.  Flip over ribs and peel off the membrane if you know what that means.  If not, don’t worry about it.  Dry rub ribs all over with brown sugar, chili powder, salt and a melange of what moves you.  I like Old Bay, cumin, cayenne and garlic powder.  Let sit overnight in the fridge.

Braise slow (3 hours) and low (225º) with one bottle plus a quarter teaspoon beer in a covered dutch oven – halve and stack.  Or make the tin foil packages like in AB’s recipe.

Before service — oven to 500º, braised ribs onto baking sheets covered in foil.  Sprinkle over more brown sugar, massage in with fingertips.  Into oven for 10 minutes to caramelize everything….    Serve with nice griddled cornbread, spicy slaw and some homemade bbq sauce (as above).

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