Look — that guy’s roasting vegetables. Again.
super easy
Here we go again with the roasted veggies — this time it’s sugar snap peas. Who doesn’t love sugar snaps. Tell me you don’t, I dare you-
The Goods:
- Sugar snap peas
- Olive oil
- Kosher salt, cracked pepper
The Execution:
Oven to 425º. Toss the snaps with a touch of oil. Season, then onto the pan and into the oven. Give it the shaky-shake a few times and evacuate when they start to brown a bit, maybe 8 or 10 minutes. These are good cold too. I love me some roasted veggies.
Aerospace Jumprope Update:
Week 3. Belly up to the pain bar and crack open another can o’ whup-ass. I kept up with the rope for a good 9 minutes, which is sneaking up on a third of the 30 minute jump class. So I’ve got that going for me. But it was still a hot mess for the core work in the back 30. I’m presenting quite the freak show there in the last row. Lots of awkward positions, grunting, slipping in sweat and total muscle failure. It ain’t pretty, people. It ain’t pretty. I’m glad nobody’s picking teams in that gym class.
p.s.- Here’s a video from NY Times of Michael and people who look good at Aerospace. Shockingly, I was not invited to appear.
And in case you missed it, week 1 is here and week 2 is here.
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