Pork Tenderloins on the Grill – Allegedly. March 2011
super easy
Ready to start the summer a bit early. So let’s hit the shared grills on the roof deck. The hitch – turns out the building doesn’t turn the gas on for the grills until April. Would have been nice to have known that before I got up there ready to rock-n-roll with my marinated tenderloins. But so it goes and we must improvise.
The [Revised-on-the-fly] Menu:
- Grilled Seared and Roasted Pork Tenderloin
- Peppery Pan Sauce
- Sweet Potato ‘Fries’
- Garlic Pepper Asparagus
The Prep:
Earlier in the day, the marinade for the pork – boiling water with lots of pepper corns, crushed garlic (like nearly a head), bay leaves, brown sugar, salt. Cooled with some ice, then into a freezer bag with the pork tenderloins. A bit later in the afternoon, asparagus washed, trimmed and the bottom third of each spear peeled. As evening starts to roll in, sweets peeled, cut up into fries and tossed with olive oil, salt and pepper. Oven on.
Put up a tray of appies- some aged gouda, rice crackers and dried cherries. V&T for me, Greyhound for the Mrs., and some cold milk for the little one. Right before appies get served, asparagus tossed with olive oil, garlic powder, cracked pepper and salt. In for just 8 minutes or so, till just tender and a bit browned on the bottom side.
Grilling implements together, tray ready, tenderloins drained and patted dry. Potatoes go in the oven, and up to a (unexpectedly short) trip to the roof. Ugh. Back down, skillet on way fast flame. A touch of canola oil, smokin’ hot. Tenderloins in, leave them be. Rotate a third when brown, then another third. Now onto sizzle platters and right into the oven next to the potatoes.
These will take just a few minutes, check with the meat thermometer, around 125-130°. While they finish in the oven, a quick pan sauce. Slug of white wine, scrape up all the brown bits, add chicken stock and simmer down. Lots of cracked pepper. Now the tenderloins come out and stand for 5 minutes, and the asparagus go back in just for a minute. A knob of butter swirled into the sauce, tenderloins sliced, and we are plating.
The Pros:
The meat was right on, just a hint pink (yes Mom you can eat pork that’s medium). The pan sear went well, got a nice brown crust.
The Cons:
The grill incident.
The Takeaway:
Don’t get thrown when the unexpected happens. There’s always a way to put out a good meal. And don’t be afraid of the medium pork.
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