Sunday Spice-Rubbed Pork Roast

super easy

I cook mine less than he did (pink pork is ok!) but otherwise this is my Dad’s roast pork recipe:

Rub roast lightly with canola oil, then coat with S&P, garlic powder and hot Hungarian paprika (smoked would also be good).  Let sit outside the fridge for a good hour or so – bringing meat to room temp first helps to evenly cook.   Roast in a 425º oven until thermometer registers 135°, and then let rest for a good 15-20 mins before slicing.

Served with roasted Brussels sprouts, mushrooms and wedges of sweet potato. The sweets cooked together with the pork — tossed lightly with oil and S&P, spread on bottom of pan, roast placed right on top.

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